Who Are We?

About Us

Love Craft Beer

There are two kinds of people in this world. Those who merely like beer, and those who are passionate about beer. The kind of person that knows whether or not they like stouts more than IPAs. The kind of person who would only order a Budweiser to pour it out, protecting others from having to drink it.

We're the second kind of person. 

This site is dedicated to being that kind of person. To talking about the kinds of beer we like and the places we like drinking them. Even some tips and how-to's on making your own for those DIY-ers who want an alternative to the American Light Lager that has given the rest of the world the idea that we can't produce actual beer.

As an aside, we hear that there's a third kind of person that doesn't like beer at all. However, unlike Sasquatch and the Loch Ness Monster, we're pretty sure this kind of person doesn't exist.

As you can tell by the name, expect a good bit of tongue-in-cheek, more than a little sarcasm, and a bit of wacky, unhinged behavior. Some of us have been around The Old Ones just a little too long. We're pretty serious about beer but not much else.